Наша мета в UKRAID — створити сильну, стійку та інтегровану українську громаду біженців тут, у Валенсії.
З моменту заснування центр розвинувся від надання екстреної допомоги до того, щоб також стати громадським центром, який об’єднує людей і пропонує різноманітні освітні послуги та дозвілля.
Practicing psychologist, art therapist, perinatal psychologist, specialist in working with female sexuality. @psy_art.ua
Natalia Blahodyr is a psychologist, psychotherapist (with 15 years of experience), art trainer, media expert, author of the metaphorical association card deck "Initiation of a Woman", PhD in Psychology. @nataliia_psichologist
A talented Macrame artist who uses her artistic creativity to provide innovative and engaging arts & crafts workshops for Ukrainian children on Sundays. She uses a range of materials to create a range of Ukrainian inspired crafts and activities. @garno.vbrano
Anastasia is a child psychologist. graduated from the NPU named after M.P. Drahomanov in Kyiv. She has more than 5 years of experience working with children and their families. She moved to Valencia due to the outbreak of the war in 2022. Now, in collaboration with UKRAID, she has created a a place where teenagers can find support and develop their soft skills.
Every Sunday morning we host children’s arts and crafts workshops to provide Ukrainian children the opportunity to socialise together and speak in their native language.
Sundays at 11h
A biweekly psychological support group to provide women with an outlet for sharing their experiences and processing their emotions under the guidance of a trained professional.
Mondays at 11h-12h30 and Tuesdays at 12h30-14h
A psychological support group that meets on a Saturday morning focuses solely on adolescents and parents to help them get through this incredibly challenging phase.
Saturdays at 11h
A weekly speaking club to help people learn and improve their Ukrainian given that many refugees come from Russian speaking regions. These classes are are a vital component in maintaining Ukrainian culture of which the language is a central pillar.
Thursdays at 12.30h-14h
Weekly English language classes provided by native speakers for those wishing to learn the language from scratch as a new skill and for those looking to improve their level for their career such as finding online work opportunities.
Thursdays at 11h
Our Spanish immersion program takes 10 selected female participants for a 6 month intensive training in Spanish. It consists of classes, conversation practice, independent study and cultural activities to rapidly advance their Spanish level and help them regain confidence as well as independence.